Tuesday, September 4, 2007


So I'm technically in a band. It's myself and two guys from work.

It's good times, as we're just messing around and trying to put songs together. And there's usually mass quanities of booze involved.

As of right now, we are currently unnamed.

They shot down a bunch of my ideas, including (some favorites) PMS Werewolves and Silver Medal Priests.

You know that joke, right?
Why didn't the Catholic priest win the gold medal?
Because he likes to come in a little behind.


Anyway, I've been bored and spending way too much time on YouTube.-

Events coming up-
I'm going to go see Muse on the 21st.
Sometime thereafter I'm going to get a decent sized tattoo on my chest.
And then I'll have my birthday festivities, which should involve some form of liquor.

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