Sunday, September 9, 2007


I know what my next guitar is going to be!

This'll match perfectly with my Ovation!

Spending too much money, though... It'll have to wait 'til next year.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007


So I'm technically in a band. It's myself and two guys from work.

It's good times, as we're just messing around and trying to put songs together. And there's usually mass quanities of booze involved.

As of right now, we are currently unnamed.

They shot down a bunch of my ideas, including (some favorites) PMS Werewolves and Silver Medal Priests.

You know that joke, right?
Why didn't the Catholic priest win the gold medal?
Because he likes to come in a little behind.


Anyway, I've been bored and spending way too much time on YouTube.-

Events coming up-
I'm going to go see Muse on the 21st.
Sometime thereafter I'm going to get a decent sized tattoo on my chest.
And then I'll have my birthday festivities, which should involve some form of liquor.

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Gasp, covers face

So the neighbors moved. The house has a 'Sold' sign on it. Which means nothing in the grand scheme of things, especially given that I don't talk to any of them. The thing about it is, I was getting free wireless internet access from them. FAST internet access. Now I have to resort to using my sister's dsl connection until the 29th, when the AT&T guy comes by to set up my phoneline. And dsl is fast and all, but I got spoiled on the high speed wifi. There was one point where I used someone's dialup connection and nearly had a heart attack.

Anyway, the countdown is on for a number of things.

-My 2 year Gap Anniversary May 30
-Kings of Leon June 10
-Skinny Puppy June 22
-And One June 23
-Jury Duty Week of June 25
-Possible week in Mexico, Sometime in August

Oh! I made a coworker of mine a cd which I'm entitling 'CD of Infinite Sadness; Volume 1.' He's a quiet guy. Loves his British alt-rock. I think he'll be quite pleased.

That is all.

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Lots of concerts lately.

Cinco de Mayo was awesome. I got to see the Chili Peppers and Eddie Vedder. Better still, there was a free Mexican buffet and an open bar. Nothing says independence like lots of Mexican food and alcohol. There were almost several fights, which is hilarious, as it was a charity event. That'll teach them to have an open bar. And also, the guitarist for the Peppers is GOD.

And tomorrow is Wolfmother!
It'll be my second time seeing them.


Thursday, April 26, 2007

I Think I'm In Love...

Just... just watch it.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

In Which The Usual Is Stated

Sunday I woke up at 6:00a.m. to get ready for the MS walk. It was a lot slower a pace than I envisioned. Granted, everyone is going their own speed, but I had to stay with my group of Gap-ers so we could take a picture in the end. Made a three mile walk an hour (give or take.) Then a quick bite at an Argentinian restaurant with two of my lady coworkers/ friends before heading off to see my friend Javier's show.

It was awesome.

In case I didn't mention, it was centered around family violence prevention, with a hip/hop/ dance backdrop. There's a group of poppers/ lockers called the Jabawokies (sp?) who are awesome in their own right. They go onstage in masks and perform routines I can only compare to the Blue Man Group. Only they dance instead of drum. I did the sound for the D.A.R.E. kids, which went smoothly. I had a great time in front of all that equipment. And KRS-One performed!


So I'm at work. My phone starts ringing. 'We just scored tickets to see the Chili Peppers. You doing anything Cinco de Mayo?' Now I'm going to see the Red Hot Chili Peppers! With Eddie Vedder! And an open bar! And free mexican buffet!


And four days after that, Wolfmother in Anaheim.

I'm spending more money than I should, but I don't care. I never allow myself to have fun and just enjoy life. I'm always so focused on work or too tired from lack of sleep. Or musing to myself about the womens (I know what I said) I can't have. It's a nice change of pace to be so carefree. I'm almost... happy.

Now to sleep. I have work in a few hours.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Of Late

So I haven't written anything down, but that's not to say things haven't been going on.

I went to see Muse play at the Great Western Forum (which kicked ass.)
They came back onstage TWICE and played for a total of just over two hours.

No Intermission

They have so much material it's mindblowing. They didn't even play Dark Shines or Muscle Museum (two of my all time favorite Muse songs.) And it was still awesome. I went with my buddies from the snow trip, a guy from work, and the guy I took to the Oasis unplugged show. Good times.

The only down side was $10 beers. I wanted to get drunk before the show, but the 'Corner Market' didn't have any hard liquor. Lots of light beers, though. I eyeballed a drink that said flavored wine, when, what I assume was a whino, said 'That's a good one. You should buy it.' The $2.25 price tag should've warned me. Horrible, horrible, drink.

Next item.

I went to see my friend Javier's kid's perform.
Little backtracking. He's a dancer for a group called Culture Shock LA. They're a non-profit that teaches kid's dance to keep them off the streets. Otherwise spreading love and such. So they're partnered with D.A.R.E. and several of the dance members go out to middle/ elementary schools to teach.

The night before he gives me a call and asks me if he can borrow one of my guitars (as a prop.) Then invites me to come see them perform. The next thing I know I'm the sound guy. Fairly simple pausing and cues. I got to sit in the sound area with the actual technicians. Very exciting.

And now I have the MS walk to look forward to. I probably would of done it had I just been asked, but I was kind of forced into it. I'm now technically the liason for charitable events for the non-sale team at the Gap. And this all happened within the span of a week.
I know the walk is this Sunday, but I'm not sure where or how to collect money from people/ sign them up, as I wasn't given any information packet or even a sheet with a where and when.
A friend of my sister's actually has MS so its a little easier to raise money, as she does the walk every year and I can sign her up through the gap (whch will match any contributions she gathers.) So I'll do the walk in the morning, and then head over to Long Beach.

That same dancer friend has a big show lined up that day. A little dance/ play being opened by KRS-One. And his D.A.R.E. kid's were asked to perform, as well. And since I know the cues, he wants me to do sound for them again.

It's been a busy time.

Thursday, March 29, 2007

The Mars Volta


I forgot to take my camera so all I have are horrible camera pictures.

All right, so we made our way to the pit and once the band got on stage, the pushing got underway. I managed to push and elbow my way to the third row of people and actually had a VERY good view. But about an hour and a half into the performance, all the liquor caught up to me and I had to give up my space. After the bathroom break, the closest I could get was about 20 or 30 rows back.

Cedric was jumping all over the place, climbing on top of speakers and dancing up a storm. And Omar was just RIPPING that guitar. They didn't take one break. Just KEPT PLAYING.

I was drenched in sweat after the first 10 minutes.

Two hour + show.

Followed by In 'n Out.
Um... Burgers.

Good times.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Who likes monsters?

Some Favorites (Artists)

Carlos Huante

Greg 'Craola' Simkins

Basil Gogos

Frank Frazetta

Mike Mignola

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Impact T-Minus A Year And A Half...

I'm pretty bored today, having woken up at 5:30a.m. on my day off.

The workers are in the back fixing up my (soon to be) new home and I've made it a point not to look until it's all done. My sister is taking care of most of the arrangements, as landlord.

Anyway, I'm distracting myself with shiny objects and lcd screens.

Myspace Impact.

What a novel idea...

From Newscorp.

I'm willing to give it a chance. Early analysis=Bleak.

Obama is WAY in the lead, as far as friends go. Everyone else is laughable. Obama obviously had a myspace much earlier. And I saw a number of reoccurring friends, which is good. Same people on different canidates' pages. They're getting informed. Good on them. Doesn't say much for the level of interest, though it's still pretty early in the game.

Anyway, I had a point. Several in fact.

One, they don't really get into any specifics. I saw a few speech quotes, a lot of linkage to their websites.

But the whole point of it is to have a concise resource. If I wanted to go to your website, I would've. It's nit-pick-ish (ha ha) but I still don't like it.

Two. Guiliani's profile is set to private.

Well fine then, I didn't want to be your friend anyway. What are you trying to hide?

And who is Kucinich kidding? As if he had a snowball's chance. His platform looks to be impeach Bush, not 'vote for me.'

And he just looks like a weasel.


He has the facial construct of a weasel!

John Edwards is older than Obama, but he's got Dick Clark syndrome (who steals the life force from people at Times Square every year, thereby prolonging his life. All those poor souls lose a minute of their lives to that monster. He's a witch, I tell you.) So no one takes him seriously.

Break it down. You've probably heard this, but fuck the 10 man race. It's four people. McCain - Guiliani/ Obama - Clinton.

The only one who's appealing to people is McCain. Guy has a NCAA bracket. And he's challenging YOU, America. And he's a war veteran. AND he's moderate!

Honestly, I've said it before, and I'll say it again, I'd vote for McCain. Doesn't mean I will. I won't sway you, America.

McCain/ Obama, 2008. That's my prediction. NO IDEA who'll win.

Take THAT Mitt Romney!

Ala Kaki

So I took a trip to the DMV.

I'm finally getting around to getting a license (I'm buying a car off of a coworker this weekend.) Anyway, since I was out and about I figured I'd get some bags, boards, and boxes for my comics, as the storage situation I have right now isn't quite working (And really, what kind of storage method is having random stacks of books just lying around?)

So the shop opens up at 11:00 and I'm a few blocks away. The time is 10:00. I grab some breakfast and a crossword puzzle and time just flies by. 11:05 rolls around and the lights are off in the shop. The windows are barred. Etc.

That's what I hate about this particular shop. They NEVER open on time. And, just my luck, it starts drizzling. Being the cool cat that I am, I'm in jeans and a tee shirt. So I'm walking down sunset killing some time and I say to myself, 'Self. You haven't been in Sam Ash in a while. Why not check out the gear? It'll surely kill some time.'

So in I go.

Long story short, say hello to my latest aquisition.
(note- This is a generic internet picture. I'll take actual pictures when I'm not so lazy.)

Needless to say, I didn't go back to the comic shop.

Monday, March 19, 2007

Aqueous Transmissions

I haven't done much in the way of blogging in some time.

There are quite a number of happenings in my life that might catch you unawares. But I'll start off with a joke.

So I'm sitting at work (well working, more than sitting) and I'm engaging some coworkers in a comical dialogue.
The following excerpt is not out of context, but may not be all together right.

Daniel- (mentions discover channels, parlays into joke about having two penises)
Ismael- What, like a tortoise?
Daniel- Ye- Wait, they really have two penises?
Ismael- Well, one type. I forget which one. They masturbate while mating.
Daniel- Huh. Because I've heard about guys born with two penises, before. But they always die before puberty.
Ismael- Well, yeah. Probably from a severe heart attack or passing out when all the blood leaves their brains. Hell looking at a girl is damn near a death sentence.
Daniel- Never really thought of that.
Javier- That reminds me of a guy in the guiness book of world records. He has elephant man's disease on his balls.
Daniel- What?
Javier- Yeah, I think the record is for strangest place for elephant man's disease.
Daniel- It must be hard for him to sit down.
Javier- Yeah, he's probably always on the edge of his seat.
Ismael- I imagine he must sit like a genie.